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Tuesday 18 May 2010

Obstructed view should I or shouldn't I?

One of the things about cruising on which there is a difference of opinion is to take a Restricted (or Obstructed) View or not.

So what is an obstructed view then? Obstructions could be; a stairway, life boats, etc. It may be fully obstructed or partially, depending on what is there, and how close you are to them, it simply means that there is something outside the window which restricts some or all of the view.

I am asked, how much is my view obstructed, now this is down to personal perception 2 different people may have a different view of that how much, so here are some pictures of various restricted view cabins to give you some examples.

So would you? Must ask how much time will you spend in the cabin on the cruise anyway and you then have to weigh this against the cost, as the restricted views tend to be priced lower. I found this comment on a travel discussion forum, it is from the states but still says it all:-

‘There is so much to do on a cruise, and so much 'off' ship time, I can't see it being a major problem either way.... since the price is good! You will most assuredly walk the decks all around the ship and get plenty of 'view', I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.... in my opinion!!!!! *: ) Enjoy you vacation, this is just one of those little things that in the grand scheme of life, should tell you... being away from home to let loose and have fun, IS what is important here. And, if money is a concern, which it is to most, let that be your driving force to accept the room or not, and be happy about the rest. It's no biggy!’

So why not give it a go, I think I would.

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